Circle Oh Grid

Sergiu was very indecisive about how he wanted his new apartment to feel. He didn’t know if he wanted an open space kitchen or a closed one, how much storage space was necessary for his needs, or if he preferred  a modern or more rustic style. To find the answers that he was looking for we created two completely different variants of the entire apartment, with even more variations for the kitchen and guest bedroom.

After seeing the variants Sergiu decided that he prefered a complete rennovation that would encompass all aspects of the interior.

The essential need of the project was finding a coherent layout within the limitations of the apartment. Also necessary was the testing of very different combinations of pre-existing and new elements; the purpose was finding a new ambiance that would satisfy all the needs and wants of the client.

The two variants integrated both a rustic and modern style in varying degrees, developed with various types of grids as background to keep an ordered feeling. To achieve the rustic yet modern vibe that we were looking for we relied on organic furniture and textures and a minimalistic stratification.

Client : Couple

Year : 2023

Location : Hunedoara

Built Area : 107 sqm

Project Type : Residential Apartment
