Ways and Arches

Darius and Anda love history, architecture and classic design; but they knew that they didn’t want to create a historical pastiche in their new home. We decided together to fiind an ambiance with classical accents, but reinterpreted through a modern lens; these two themes were to be harmonized through  color and texture.

The main challenge was the layout center of the whole house, where the living room and the kitchen were supposed to be connected, but at the moment were separated by a wall and by different floor heights. Immediately next to said wall was the dark and tight hallway, that also required some natural light and openness towards the rest of the interior.

We decided to eliminate the non-structural wall between the living room and the kitchen and to install a set of L-shaped stairs to connect the spaces. We also decided to create a series of door and window style perforations in the hallway to reconnect it to the rest of the house. By creating the archways we also accentuated the classical style that we were searching for.

Stylistically we gave the spaces their own personality through refined looking materials: panda marble, crushed velvet and bronze accents.

Client : Single Family

Year : 2022

Location : Sibiu

Built Area : 164 sqm

Project Type : Residential House
